~Life in JAPAN~

My Bio.

So are you curious about what my JET adventure to Japan has been like so far?  Are you interested to learn more about life, culture, travel, and education in Japan? Or did you just click the wrong link from your Google search?  Well, whatever the reason you may have come, I trust you can find something of interest to you here.

On the left are links to information about various aspects of my journey to Japan.  Please browse away.  Being that I lead such an exciting adventurous life here (ahem, well I have a constant flow of new experiences anyways) things will most likely be regularly changing on the site so check back whenever you have a chance, you never know what you'll find (you and me both!). 

What's New In Japan? 

In an attempt to update my web page more regularly, I'm going to start writing a semi-regular news posting about my recent activities. Here we go.

Wednesday, March 31st 2004

We're now into spring vacation here in Japan. Which is, differing from the western tradition, actually the vacation between school years and financial years.  For me, It is also the time for slow easy days at school.  The time for warm weather once again, and also the time for sakura, cherry blossoms, to return in all their fleeting magnificence as they do every year.  You can find a nice page describing the sakura phenomenon here.  

Lately I've been trying to get some more art done,  especially now that I have some free time again.  I've challenged myself  to try and draw something everyday for the next year.  My school has gotten a new scanner, so I'll be able to scan my work into the computer.  The first picture that I finished appears at left.  It's a picture of one of the famous temples at Kamakura, seen in the spring.  I did this picture for the principal of my school as a farewell present.  Sadly, every year at Japanese schools about a dozen teachers transfer to different schools across the prefecture, usually only staying at one school for about three years.  This year my principal will be leaving our school and moving to Shizuoka city.  He will be missed.  

My HTML skills have fallen into disarray from lack of use but I'm attempting to brush up again and make some much needs updates to my page.  To anyone viewing, yoroshiku onagaishimas!   


Fuji san himself. One of the many fantastic pictures of the "Most highest mountain in Japan", Mt. Fuji.

Kamakura in Spring by Bryan Bonham


What is the JET program?

 Yoshiwara Commercial High School


Shizuoka Prefecture

Where I live: Fuji City

Tales from Japan

Travel & Excursions
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